Wasting too much time booking international travel and feel you are blowing the company budget?

Follow our top tips that WILL save you some time and money along the way:

1)    Book in advance 

It may seem obvious but, if you can get travel dates in advance from your client, this can and WILL save your company a lot of money. Airlines sell the cheapest seats first and, as your departure date draws closer, they tend to increase prices. So, effectively, booking last-minute means paying higher rates for the same seat.

2)    Hold flights

Always get your TMC to hold your flights. Although you cannot do this online, your Corporate Travel Management company (TMC) can do this for you. This will enable you to liaise with your line manager/client, before finalising your booking. It will also guarantee the quoted fare and avoids risking a fare hike.

3)    Check flexibility

Sometimes travelling a day earlier/later can make a massive difference to the fares. Including a Saturday night stay on some flights to the USA can reduce the cost of your flights by half. If your clients have the flexibility, then it may be worth presenting them with such alternatives. At A&G, we can let you know if you can save money by travelling on a different day.

3)    Set up loyalty schemes

Set up your travellers on all applicable loyalty schemes with airlines and hotels. This will allow your client to take advantage of points, which can include free upgrades, flights discounts, etc. At A&G we can set them up for you, saving you time and, once you are registered, your membership details will automatically apply to all bookings.

4)   Explore non-flexible tickets

The price difference between a flexible business class ticket and a non-flexible ticket can be huge. If your client doesn’t need to change the ticket, you can save them a lot of money by booking a non-flexible ticket. Another tip is to book a semi-flexible ticket. There are several tiers of semi-flex tickets. Some enable changes up until flight departure, whereas some only permit changes to your homeward journey. Finding the most suitable fare without over-spending can prove taxing. We are here to help to guide you to the most suitable option for each trip.

5)    Turn off your email or text notifications 

There’s nothing worse than being constantly distracted by notifications, only to find that the messages are not important. Turn them off, so you are in control of reading your emails and texts when you want. I have my notifications switched off on my social media accounts too. This will save you time, and you will find that you are more productive as a result.

A&G is a travel Management Company supporting businesses with Corporate Travel

By Micala Sansom